Best of 2010: TIFF

TIFF was amazing. Last year I went out for 2 days at the end of the festival, not capturing many celebrities. This year I dedicated myself to 8 days, usually staying out for 6-12 hours each day. If you don’t count my back spasms, it was really quite fun.
9. Kathleen Robertson
I wasn’t sure who Kathleen at the time, but she makes the list because she’s so damn gorgeous.
TIFF 2010: Kathleen Robertson 5
8. Keanu Reeves
It was quite surreal watching Keanu walking towards us at the hotel. He stuck around for quite a while – signing, talking and laughing with us.
TIFF 2010: Keanu Reeves 3
7. David Schwimmer
Someone told me I just missed David Schwimmer by a few minutes when I arrived at the hotel, making me very unhappy. When he came back, obviously I was ecstatic. David is exactly like Ross, very quiet and nice.
TIFF 2010: David Schwimmer 3

6. Sam Worthington
I heard someone gave Sam a photo of Joaquin Phoenix to sign – and he did.
TIFF 2010: Sam Worthington 1
5. Martin Sheen
I’m sorry Martin Sheen fans, but this is all he gave me. I couldn’t find a nicer image of him. Super nice guy too, talked with us for a bit even though his publisher was rushing him along.
TIFF 2010: Martin Sheen 2
4. Ryan Reynolds
Many people screaming for Ryan to turn around, complaining they couldn’t get a shot – you have to be creative with what you’re given people.
TIFF 2010: Ryan Reynolds 7
3. Jennifer Connelly
I literally got one shot of Jennifer – luckily it came out great.
TIFF 2010: Jennifer Connelly
2. Shia LaBeouf
I was heading home, when a guy started screaming at his friend at the subway. I knew someone was up, so I followed the two outside to a convenience store, where I managed to get not so great captures of Shia. I was going to let him go until someone said to follow him, so I did – glad I listened to that guy. My first celebrity chasing.
TIFF 2010: Shia LaBeouf 3
1. Natalie Portman
I love Natalie, so this is defiantly my favorite. I got only a few horrible photos of her, and unfortunately she went in for her media interviews. I couldn’t leave, just in case she came out after. We all began screaming for her to come back, and luckily after some time she came to us.
TIFF 2010: Natalie Portman 4